I desire and I deserve a special type of love
Not something out of a movie, because even movies come to an end
Something so authentically created that surely it’s only death that we shall part

A love that is so uniquely bound, that even heaven celebrates the day we set eyes on each other.
A love that represents our maker and through your eyes I’m able to feel and connect to someone in ways I’ve never done before.

Two imperfect people created to be perfect for one another
Fulfilling destiny and understanding why God brought us together
Every day won’t be perfect but together we shall make the best of our days.

It won’t always be a smooth road, but together we shall pull through
And as we push and support each other closer to our destinies, life will all make sense.

I promise to love you in ways you’ve never been loved before and I will always be your number one fan

I will wait for you,
Though I don’t know the day, nor the time that God will allows us to meet, but I will surely wait.
For I know in the end, you will be worth the wait.

In the mean time, I will continue to work on me. I will develop patience, courage and equally my faith will match up with yours. My prayer life shall increase and as I pray for you, I know you’re out there praying for me. By ourselves we are great, together we shall be greater.

I will wait and I won’t compromise.

Love your future wife

Christine H.I.L.L

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